
Psoriasis (psoriasis) in the world today has become a mass problem of humankind. Because of its symptoms, the disease continues to cause uncertainty on the part of healthy individuals and imposes a significant imprint on the character and the will of their communication with patients with psoriasis. An ignorant person can be easily confused with psoriasis is an infectious skin disease and fear of infection. Psoriasis is not infection, but represents dermatosis — a disease infectious nature. The manifestation of this dermatosis occurs in the appearance of the rash and flaking in the form of plates of different sizes. Age and gender did not affect the development of psoriasis: the disease can be in humans from birth and can appear very suddenly. Higher percentage gets ill at an early age. Only 4% of the world population suffers from this disease. Psoriasis in Russia the percentage ranged between 0.72% to 11.8% (depending on the territory).

The psoriasis treatment does a dermatologist. If you suspect yourself of psoriasis always consult the specialist: establishing a diagnosis (you need a skin biopsy) will determine the form of the disease and start the treatment.


Causes of psoriasis

Psoriasis is caused by breaking the cycle of division and maturation of cells of the skin. In this disease ipse atri withering away of the upper layers of the skin happens faster than usual. There are various opinions of health professionals about the reasons for the development of psoriasis, and this issue is still in progress. Some distinguish two types of this disease: the first is related to impairment of immune processes, which can be hereditary and is more common at an early age, and the second type is not associated with the inheritance and does not affect the skin as the first, and of the nails and of the joints and is common in people of Mature age.

Other researchers tend to believe that the basis for the development of psoriasis are immune system disorders, caused by other diseases, stress, climate, and even the diet.

With confidence we can say that psoriasis, an infectious disease of nature. Today it is considered an autoimmune disease hereditary mnogofaktorialnym.

The symptoms of psoriasis

The symptoms of psoriasis are bright and noticeable: it is the inflammation of the skin in the form of itching and flaky red spots (papules). Papules (dry areas, rising above the General level of the skin) coalesce and form a plaque. In Papularum excessive angiogenesis — the formation of excess capillaries. For psoriasis characteristic of rapid skin cell division that does not allow them time to Mature and break intercellular interaction. The immune system in response to these processes produces protection of the cells of the body, which ultimately operate against its own cells. In the conclusion formed by the chronic inflammation and the formation of psoriatic scales. When exfoliating papules can be detected more dense of the skin of the Foundation, stearin and place the blood of the Rose, which also refers to the signs of psoriasis. Place of distribution of these points tend to be the hairy areas of the scalp, the place skin folds and extender muscles (knees, elbows, armpits, lower back, under the Breasts, genitals), nails and joints.

Psoriasis divided into three types according to the seasonal exacerbations: winter (the most common), summer and uncertain.

Psoriatic patches can have different shapes and sizes (in the period of exacerbations can achieve a square, comparable to that of palma, and possibly more). The greater suffering patient brings and itching that accompanies the rash. In cases of psoriasis progressive can observe the phenomenon Kebnera, expressed in the formation of plaques in areas of the skin trauma. In the area of the plates, may develop pus, and cracks. In cases where psoriasis affects the nail plate, it is possible to observe the depth and spots on the nail plate will become thicker and start to crack. In winter, the symptoms of the psoriasis subside in the summer. Summer and psoriasis, on the contrary, under the influence of the light from the sun is intensified. The progress of the psoriasis begins slowly and, normally, under the influence of provoked injuries, violations of the diet after the infectious diseases, stress, drug allergies, pregnancy and other sudden changes in the family life of the organism.

Stages of psoriasis

In the development of psoriasis there are three stages:

  • progressive (characterized by the appearance of new lands, will have a large number of small papules);
  • stationary (characterized by the absence of appearance of new lesions and the formation of the already affected areas with silvery-white scales);
  • retrogressive (characterized by a progressive resorption of the plates, the normalization of the color of the skin and reducing the flaking).

As psoriasis is contagious?

In our article we have already spoken of the non-infectious nature of psoriasis. This means that psoriasis is not contagious, and not afraid of contact and communication with the people, that it is. Psoriasis has no transmission, either through kissing or through sexual contact or through blood. Also there is no contact-household transmission of the disease, so they can safely care for patients with psoriasis and using common objects. Even when touched directly to the infected areas of the skin infection occurs. From all this we can conclude that a person with psoriasis is not dangerous for the health of the people, and that this disease should not have any influence on the attitude of the society.

The transfer is affected by the psoriasis hereditary — this disease is transmitted from parents to children. In the presence of psoriasis, one of the parents is the percentage of probability of psoriasis in baby is up to 30%, and in the case of the illness of both parents — 75%. From this it follows that the disease cannot happen to a child, even if both parents suffered from psoriasis. Don't forget, however, that psoriasis is not understood, the disease to date. Anyway, the children born of parents patients, patients with psoriasis more frequently than those born of healthy parents. In addition to the hereditary factor, the cause of development of psoriasis can be sought in the metabolic processes, enzymes, lipids, amino acids metabolism and the presence of viruses and infections.

where there is psoriasis

Where there is psoriasis?

Favorite sites of psoriasis is considered as the region of the flexor and extender muscles, the joints, the nails, the hair of the head, hands, feet and face. Let's see with more detail where and how it manifests psoriasis.

The nails of the psoriasis. This disease is well-researched, but the diagnosis can be difficult, especially in the presence of fungal diseases. The nails of psoriasis may be an independent disease, and consequence of psoriasis vulgaris. The main symptoms of nail psoriasis is considered to be a change in the color of the plates (the appearance of grey or yellow tones), cross-striations, thickening of the skin around the nails. Special features of nail psoriasis is the symptom of a thimble (the formation of holes in the plate of the nail), bruising under the nail, and trahionihiya (deformation and flattening of the nail, the appearance of roughness and discoloration of the plate). Treatment of nail psoriasis requires a constant nail care, exclude any nail injuries, and nails. To get a good result and the lack of remission should include nail care in your daily routine.

Psoriasis flexor and extender muscles. For psoriasis of the skin in the flexor and extender muscles is characterized by the appearance of redness in the natural skin folds (elbow and knee folds, axilla, groin, genitals and Breasts). A characteristic feature of this type of psoriasis is no peeling, but no pain in the area of the eruption. The Causes of this pathology serves as a strong sweating, especially when combined with fungal infections. Very often psoriasis on hands and feet common in the spring and autumn period.

Psoriasis of the scalp. Psoriasis in the head is separated from the disease, but it can be combined with another psoriasis. The first symptom of this condition is intense itching in the region occipital. For itching, followed by rash, and both frequent and single lesions. Rashes not only appear on the scalp, but also in nearby areas of the skin. The skin behind the ears getting wet and can be covered with cracks. The hair psoriasis of the scalp can be successfully treated, but it takes time.

Psoriasis on the face. In the face of psoriasis is not common. Has typical signs of psoriasis of the skin. After papules on the face may remain scars. Psoriasis may address the person as a result of hereditary predisposition in the long term, depression, low immunity and injuries.

Psoriasis vulgaris. This is the most common form of psoriasis. The symptoms of psoriasis vulgaris are considered as small lesions covered with silvery scales, usually located symmetrically and near the abrasions or cuts.

Guttate psoriasis of the skin. As the name suggests, this forms a characteristic rash in the form of drops. The eruptions are characterized by a high point above the level of the skin and fragmentation. In the majority of cases, guttate psoriasis is seen in children after an infection by staph.

Pustular (exudative) psoriasis. The eruption in this form of psoriasis is similar to that of the vesicles of small size with serous non-infected fluid in its interior. The blisters and itching, but scratching them at high risk of infection. Pustular psoriasis is difficult to cure, so not worth taking.

Psoriatic arthritis. In this way, not only can affect the small joints, but also of the spine. As symptoms performs joint inflammation, swelling and limitation of joint mobility, joint deformity, which can lead to disability.

The treatment of psoriasis

In the forums, and in life, people often ask questions about how to treat psoriasis and can I get rid of it forever within a range of prices for the treatment of psoriasis, where it is treated? In Moscow, the treatment of psoriasis given special attention: there are the Institute and health centers that specializes in this problem. Background of the psoriasis can be bought in pharmacies, hospitals, or order through online pharmacy, but first we need to see the doctor (medicine against psoriasis and the treatment method are not chosen independently, but only by a dermatologist). Let us learn more about how to treat and cure psoriasis.

We develop new therapies and drugs against psoriasis, in the near future this disease can be completely curable. At this time, the therapy of psoriasis is aimed at the elimination of the inflammatory process and the normalization differentsovki of the epithelial cells. The treatment of the disease is built by a dermatologist, based on the amplitude of the skin lesions, the stage of the disease, the age, the gender, the tolerability of the drugs, and the presence of current diseases. In the treatment of psoriasis use the funds for local therapy systemic. For the treatment topical applied ointments, creams and lotions. In the period of progressive disease or salicylic prescribe hormonal ointments. In the composition of the therapy is the systemic use of aromatic retinoids, cyclosporine, Methotrexate and Nsaids. Successfully used in the treatment of psoriasis methods such as photochemotherapy (PUVA), selective phototherapy and climatotherapy. The beginning of the disease is treated mainly preventive means. Methods of cryotherapy, Plasmapheresis, and ultraviolet light are used by doctors in the more severe forms of psoriasis.

Diet for psoriasis

Diet for psoriasis has a considerable importance in the effectiveness of the treatment in general. The body of the patient should come to eat, normalizes acidity level, causing the weakening of the immune system. Let us learn more what foods can be consumed in psoriasis, and what is not. A teaspoon of honey a day will enrich the body with vitamins. Vegetables and fruits will help you cleanse your body, and fish oil — excellent source of b vitamins Excellent choice for Breakfast or dinner is pumpkin porridge, rich in vitamins and minerals. Olive oil is the only oil recommended for patients with psoriasis. Mandatory food for psoriasis should be fatty fish, which strengthens and revitalizes the skin and eliminates the irritation.

folk remedies

Folk remedies for psoriasis

In the treatment of psoriasis, it turned into the most popular media, but to use it only with the permission of a doctor. Traditional medicine offers for the treatment of psoriasis, a variety of recipes for ointments, homemade, infusions, and simple healthy recipes. Especially effective folk medicine in the initial stages of psoriasis.

Juice of celandine is one of the most common folk remedies of psoriasis. Therapy of juice of celandine is in the summer at the beginning of the flowering of the plants. For use on damaged skin, use the fresh juice of celandine. To get effective results, this procedure should be continued daily for three summers in a row. From the root of celandine, you can prepare the infusion: 4 tablespoons of celandine, 0.5 liters of alcohol. Infuse the mixture for several hours, after which you can rubbed.

Ointment made of 2 eggs, whipped with vegetable oil with vinegar helps in the beginning of the disease. In periods of exacerbations of psoriasis will help you to bath the rind of dried fruits. To prepare a bath will need half a kilo of walnuts. Your shell should pour boiling water, drain and add to the bath.

Psoriasis apply an infusion of agrimony, ointment from the root meadowsweet herb, the juice of the strawberries and blueberries and even fish scales. Should pay attention to the monastic tea of psoriasis. Helps to treat psoriasis at home. Clinical studies have indeed confirmed the medicinal properties of this drink. In the tea are medicinal herbs. Monastic tea of psoriasis you can prepare at home: 1 teaspoon pour a glass of boiling water and insist 10 minutes. You can even eat before meals for 3 weeks.